

LOW-KEY | English meaning

7 天前 — used when you are expressing an opinion but you do not want to emphasize it too much: He low-key annoyed me.

LOW-KEY in Traditional Chinese

7 天前 — A low-key event is quiet and without a great show of excitement. (活動)低調的,不張揚的.

What does Lowkey mean?

Lowkey is a term that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and is used to indicate that something is being kept quiet or on the down-low.

十大國外最新流行俚語10 Must

2018年7月3日 — 1. extra 做作、浮誇 · 2. salty 惱羞成怒 · 3. low key 有點、暗地裡 · 4. snatched 極好的、到位 · 5. glow up 改頭換面 · 6. tea 八卦、緋聞 · 7. shook 震驚.

LOW-KEY definition and meaning

4 meanings: 1. having a low intensity or tone 2. restrained, subdued, or understated 3. (of a photograph, painting, etc) having.

low-key Meaning & Origin

2020年1月14日 — Low-key can variously mean “quiet,” “restrained,” “moderate,” or “easygoing.” It can also behave as an adverb meaning “of low or moderate ...


2024年4月9日 — The meaning of LOW-KEY is having or producing dark tones only with little contrast. How to use low-key in a sentence.

What does 'lowkey' mean? The slang that helps you ...

2023年12月30日 — According to Merriam-Webster, lowkey is used to describe something to a limited or moderate degree. Unlike its converse highkey, lowkey ...


A person who's low-key is modest and soft spoken, and a low-key restaurant is comfortable and unpretentious. You might prefer your family's low-key way of ...